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The 2010 Golden Trumpet Awards

Pre­sen­ters Nancy Loo, Chicago broad­cast jour­nal­ist and blog­ger, and Jim Williams, CBS 2 reporter and Week­end Evening News co-anchor, joined hun­dreds of Mid­west pub­lic rela­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­fes­sion­als and their clients at Pub­lic­ity Club of Chicago’s 51st annual Golden Trum­pet Awards May 7 at The Palmer House Hilton in Chicago.

At the cer­e­mony, 55 Golden Trum­pet and 93 Sil­ver Trum­pet awards were pre­sented for the best of the Midwest’s pub­lic rela­tions work in 2009 as judged by lead­ing Chicago-area pub­lic rela­tions executives.

PCC also pre­sented Chicago PR pio­neers Aaron Cush­man and Margie Kor­shak with Life­time Achieve­ment Awards for their achieve­ments in the field. In her accep­tance remarks, Kor­shak told of get­ting into PR in the 1960s after being told she had “the gift of gab.” Cush­man called PR“the most mis­un­der­stood but most excit­ing busi­ness in the world.”

PCC also pre­sented its four top awards rec­og­niz­ing the industry’s best ini­tia­tives of the year:

  • The Brand Builder Award, for the pro­gram most sig­nif­i­cantly enhanc­ing and pro­mot­ing a brand for an orga­ni­za­tion, prod­uct or ser­vice, was pre­sented to the Chicago Botanic Gar­den for “More Than a Pretty Gar­den.” The open­ing of the Garden’s Plant Sci­ence Cen­ter con­firmed the Garden’s role as a world leader in plant con­ser­va­tion sci­ence and encour­ages pub­lic action and
  • The Ely­nore Dolkart Meserow Cre­ativ­ity Award, for excep­tional cre­ativ­ity in a pub­lic rela­tions pro­gram, was pre­sented to Edel­man World­wide for “AXE Dark Temp­ta­tion: As Irre­sistible as Chocolate.”
  • The Edwin J. Shaugh­nessy Qual­ity of Life Award, for the year’s fore­most con­tri­bu­tion to improv­ing qual­ity of life in soci­ety through pub­lic rela­tions, was pre­sented to the Illi­nois Coali­tion for Immi­grant & Refugee Rights for “Rigo Padilla: Out­stand­ing Col­lege Stu­dent, Depor­ta­tion Halted.”
  • The Plat­inum Award, the “Louis Arm­strong of Trum­pets” given to the year’s best over­all pub­lic rela­tions pro­gram, was pre­sented toSher­man Health and Kathy Scha­ef­fer and Asso­ciates, Inc. for “Debut­ing a New Hos­pi­tal.” Debut­ing a new hos­pi­tal is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity–and Sher­man Health devel­oped a multi-faceted com­mu­ni­ca­tions cam­paign fea­tur­ing events, media rela­tions and inter­nal and exter­nal outreach.