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The 2011 Golden Trumpet Awards

The Pub­lic­ity Club of Chicago, the pre­mier com­mu­ni­ca­tions indus­try asso­ci­a­tion in Chicago, announced the year’s best of the best in Chicago pub­lic rela­tions at the 52nd annual Golden Trum­pet Awards last Fri­day, May 6 at The Palmer House Hilton in Chicago.

From com­mu­nity rela­tions and spe­cial events to cri­sis PR and new media, Golden Trum­pets were bestowed upon pro­fes­sion­als to rec­og­nize excel­lence in plan­ning, cre­ativ­ity and exe­cu­tion across 22 categories .

Two of Chicago’s most-beloved jour­nal­ists, Peter Sagal, host of National Pub­lic Radio’s “Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!” and Dean Richards, WGN-TV ’s enter­tain­ment reporter and critic, joined mem­bers of PCC’s board of direc­tors to present awards hon­or­ing the year’s most dis­tin­guished achieve­ments in pub­lic rela­tions and communications.

The cli­max of the event wit­nessed indus­try leg­ends Susan Prather, APRof PratherPR and John LaSage of Burson-Marsteller accept their respec­tive Life­time Achieve­ment Awards and the lun­cheon cul­mi­nated in the pre­sen­ta­tion of the cov­eted top four honors:

  • The Jef­frey D. Bierig Brand Builder Award – for the pro­gram most sig­nif­i­cantly enhanc­ing and pro­mot­ing a brand for an orga­ni­za­tion, prod­uct or ser­vice:
    Museum of Sci­ence and Indus­try and Pub­lic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions for “Museum of Sci­ence and Indus­try Seeks Roommate”
  • The Ely­nore Dolkart Meserow Cre­ativ­ity Award – for excep­tional cre­ativ­ity in a pub­lic rela­tions pro­gram:
    The Field Museum for “Golden Anniver­sary Celebration”
  • The Edwin J. Shaugh­nessy Qual­ity of Life Award – for the year’s fore­most con­tri­bu­tion to improv­ing qual­ity of life in soci­ety through pub­lic rela­tions:
    Lit­tle City Foun­da­tion for “Autism Aware­ness Inte­grated Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Campaign”
  • The Plat­inum Award – given to the year’s best over­all pub­lic rela­tions pro­gram:
    Pub­lic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Howard Brown Health Cen­ter for “A Life­line for Howard Brown”

From down­siz­ing and eco­nomic pres­sures to an evolv­ing media cli­mate – this has been a chal­leng­ing year for our indus­try,” said Sue Mark­graf, pres­i­dent of Green­Mark Pub­lic Rela­tions and pres­i­dent of PCC . “These impres­sive and inspir­ing results are evi­dence that Chicago’s PR com­mu­nity rose to the chal­lenge to illus­trate what our pro­fes­sion does best: enter­tain, edu­cate and inspire.”

The 2011 Golden Trum­pets Awards were chaired by David Bosch, com­mu­ni­ca­tions direc­tor, Gift of Hope Organ & Tis­sue Donor Net­work. The Awards annu­ally draw hun­dreds of Mid­west pub­lic rela­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­fes­sion­als and their clients.